Bacterial vaginosisSymptoms

Are you affected by symptoms of bacterial vaginal infection? You’re not alone. If you treat the infection consistently, the unpleasant symptoms will clear up quickly.

Medical Advisor Ramona Schwarz

Medical Advisor

Ramona Schwarz

Medical Affairs

Ausfluss und strenger Geruch

Extremely stressful for most people: discharge and strong odour

It’s an uncomfortable topic for many, but it doesn’t have to be! If you have bacterial vaginosis, you will usually notice it shortly after you get it. A fishy smell and greyish-white vaginal discharge are typical tell-tale signs.

Be aware that it’s also possible to experience only one of the two symptoms mentioned.

Many women confuse the signs of bacterial vaginosis with vaginal yeast infection (vaginal thrush). However, the symptoms of these vaginal infections differ in important ways. Knowing the difference will enable you to distinguish the symptoms of vaginal thrush from those of bacterial vaginosis:

Typical symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

  • thin, sometimes foamy, grey-white discharge
  • strong, usually fishy intimate odour
  • increased vaginal pH (>4.5)

Typical symptoms of vaginal yeast infection

  • Irritating itching
  • No unpleasant intimate odour
  • Whitish to curd-like discharge
  • Reddened and swollen vaginal mucosa

KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment Restorative treatment for a healthy vaginal flora

To restore the natural acidic environment of the vagina and promote the regeneration and maintenance of the associated vaginal flora.

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  • treats discharge and odour in cases of bacterial vaginosis*
  • reduces the risk of recurring urinary tract infections
  • normalises the pH, also during pregnancy

*In cases of bacterial vaginosis as a supplement to antibiotics (supportive treatment) or for mild symptoms as a single treatment (alternative treatment to antibiotics)

Behandlung einer bakterielle Vaginose

Treating bacterial vaginosiscorrectly

Treating bacterial vaginosiscorrectly

If you notice the signs of bacterial vaginosis, you could easily confuse it with a fungal infection. However, the symptoms of vaginal thrush differ from bacterial vaginosis in important ways. This same applies to the effective treatment of vaginal infections. Unlike vaginal thrush, you can’t treat bacterial vaginosis yourself.

Find out more about the right treatment for bacterial vaginosis!

The following therefore applies: if you don’t know exactly what’s wrong, you should definitely have it checked out by a doctor!

The good news is that the unpleasant odour won’t last forever

So, no need to worry! As soon as the bacterial vaginosis has been successfully treated, the unpleasant intimate odour will disappear.
Treatment consists a course of oral or vaginal antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. An antibiotic is a drug used to treat bacterial infections. It is prescribed by a doctor if a corresponding illness has been diagnosed.

KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) is an ideal supportive treatment for regenerating and stabilising healthy vaginal flora.

Was ist eine bakterielle Vaginose?
Bacterial vaginosis

How does bacterial vaginosis develop and how does it differ from a vaginal yeast infection? You can find tips on prevention and treatment here.

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Behandlung einer bakterielle Vaginose
Treating bacterial vaginosis

If you suffer from unpleasant intimate odor, this may indicate bacterial vaginosis.

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