You can usually treat vaginal yeast infection (vaginal thrush) yourself. KadeFungin 3 with clotrimazole provides rapid relief.
Treating vaginal thrush:relief from vaginal thrush
It’s simple and safe to treat vaginal thrush with the appropriate treatment. Special antifungal agents, known as antimycotics, are the best course of action. When applied correctly, uncomfortable symptoms usually resolve within a few days. Find out the most important facts about treating vaginal thrush and tips on using Kadefungin 3 to treat it.
What will be discussed
Treating vaginal thrush quickly and safely
Most women experience vaginal thrush at least once in their lives. In 90 percent of cases, it is caused by the pathogen Candida albicans. The good news is that although vaginal thrush is unpleasant, it’s usually easy to treat. But you should still take it seriously.
In other words, if you’ve got vaginal thrush, you should treat it. Otherwise, the fungus may become a long-drawn-out saga. Treatment with an antifungal agent is both safe and fast-acting.
Signs you’ve got vaginal thrush
Small amounts of certain yeasts naturally exist in the vagina, gut, and throat. However, if they multiply excessively, it causes what is known as vaginal thrush. Typical symptoms include:
- Itching at the entrance to the vagina
- Burning
- Redness and swelling
- An increase in whitish, curd-like, odourless discharge
You may also experience pain when passing water or having sex.
It’s important to get your symptoms checked by a doctor – especially if you’re pregnant or it’s the first time you’ve experienced these symptoms.
Vaginal thrush medications: how and where they work
Antifungals containing clotrimazole are very effective at treating vaginal thrush, as the active ingredient is ‘strong’ yet has few side effects and is therefore safe. Antimycotics such as clotrimazole work according to a simple principle; they attack the cell membrane of the yeast and thus prevent it from reproducing and spreading. This is because the cell wall is now defective, the fungal cell loses important cell components and thus the basis for its reproduction, causing the cell to eventually die. Another advantage of many vaginal thrush medications is that they inhibit inflammation and thus accelerate healing.
Clotrimazole is applied topically to the skin to treat vaginal thrush. Its localised action allows the active ingredient to work more directly, with minimal or no side effects Broad-spectrum antimycotics are effective against many different yeasts, not just one. You can buy vaginal thrush medication containing clotrimazole such as KadeFungin 3 over the counter in the form of a cream, tablets or as a combination product.
Treating vaginal thrush with
KadeFungin 3
Proven vaginal thrush treatment with KadeFungin 3 only takes three days. The combi-pack, a combination of cream and tablets, is particularly effective at treating vaginal thrush. It is quick and easy to use.
Duration of vaginal thrush treatment: usually 3 days
The active ingredient clotrimazole contained in the tablets and cream (e.g. in KadeFungin 3) only takes a short time to neutralise the pathogen causing vaginal thrush. Vaginal thrush treatment therefore usually only lasts three days. The combination of tablets (for internal use) and cream (for external use) has proven to be particularly effective. Often, both areas are affected by vaginal thrush, although this is not always noticeable.
However, be sure to follow the instructions in the package leaflet and complete the treatment – even if symptoms subside after just one day. Otherwise you run the risk that of not healing completely.
If there is no improvement after three days, we advise discussing your symptoms with a doctor. There may be another reason, and your doctor can adjust treatment accordingly.
KadeFungin 3 Vaginal Tablets hygienic and safe to insert
Tablets should be inserted into the vagina using an applicator (included in both the single and combination packs).
If the applicator is made of plastic, it is very hygienic and can be reused several times. Yeasts cannot adhere to the surface of the applicator.
After use, carefully rinse the applicator with warm water and dry it thoroughly.
Tips for using KadeFungin 3 Combi-Pack
It is important that you use all three tablets in the pack. You should never end the treatment prematurely because your symptoms have improved. It’s also worth noting that not only is the antifungal cream very effective, but it also has a soothing effect on irritated vaginal mucosa.
- Make sure to apply the cream on three consecutive days, as this is the only way it can work optimally
- Apply the cream from the combi-pack to the vulva using your finger
- Apply a thin layer of cream up to the anus. Vaginal thrush can spread over the entire genital area.
- Apply the cream three times a day.
- It is essential to insert the tablets for three consecutive days to get the best results.
- Insert the tablets as deeply as possible. To do this, insert it using the applicator, lying on your back with your legs slightly raised.
- Use the tablets before going to bed for best results.
- Do not use the tablets during menstruation (the active ingredient could be flushed out with the blood).
It’s also worth noting that clotrimazole also helps with penis thrush or if your partner also needs to be treated. Men should apply the cream to the skin of the glans and shaft of the penis several times a day. Treatment for men also takes around three to five days. Since the cream is only approved for use by women, it can only be used by men if recommended by a doctor.
If itching, burning or pain recurs, this may be due to the ping-pong effect. The yeast can be passed on to your partner during sex – but this is not a problem in itself, because yeast alone is not an infection. Yeast can only multiply if the flora of the intimate area is weakened. Always seek medical advice for recurring symptoms.
Treating vaginal thrush during breastfeeding and pregnancy
Even if you are pregnant, you can easily treat vaginal thrush with KadeFungin 3 after receiving a diagnosis from your doctor. The active ingredient clotrimazole is also safe to use during pregnancy and has been tried and tested for years.
KadeFungin 3 has a local effect and is safe for both mother and baby.
Although it is safe, it is important that you discuss the treatment with your gynaecologist beforehand. When using the tablets, make sure that you insert them into the vagina with your finger instead of the enclosed applicator.
Yes or no? Treating vaginal thrush with home remedies
It is not advisable to attempt to treat vaginal thrush with home remedies. Although home remedies have a reputation for being gentle, not everything that is gentle is also effective, and home remedies can also produce unpleasant side effects.
Home remedies that are wrongly recommended for vaginal thrush include yoghurt, tea tree oil, vinegar rinses or an anti-fungal diet. There is no scientific evidence that any of these home remedies are effective in clearing up vaginal thrush.
Quite the opposite: essential oils and vinegar irritate the vaginal mucosa and can even worsen symptoms. Although yoghurt contains beneficial bacterial cultures, it also contains microorganisms that are foreign to the vagina. Yoghurt can also be contaminated with Candida albicans. And the anti-fungal diet, in which the idea is to deprive the fungus of its breeding ground by eating a low-carbohydrate diet, also lacks any scientific basis.
Vagnal thrush is generally harmless, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it seriously.
Treat vaginal thrush – successfully!
You can’t ignore vaginal thrush and hope it goes away. Neither waiting for it to clear up on its own nor treating it with home remedies is effective. Vaginal thrush can be treated quickly and effectively over three days with KadeFungin 3.
If you notice signs such as burning or itching in the intimate area, our self-test will help you get started. However, don’t hesitate to see a doctor – especially if you are pregnant or are experiencing symptoms for the first time.
Vaginal thrush is not a sexually transmitted infection, but a fungal infection. Sex is very rarely the cause. If yeast is transmitted during sex, it does not necessarily lead to an infection. This is because a healthy vaginal flora and intact skin flora in the male genitals normally repel pathogens and prevent them from spreading.
FAQs: How to treat vaginal thrush
Vaginal thrush can be treated quickly and successfully with special antifungal medication such as KadeFungin 3. Its active ingredient clotrimazole has also proven effective in the treatment of thrush during pregnancy. We recommend a combination treatment, which you can obtain over the counter from the pharmacy. However, you should seek medical advice if you have first-time or persistent symptoms or if you are pregnant.
Treating vaginal thrush with the proven antifungal medication KadeFungin 3 takes three days. Symptoms and complaints usually subside very quickly, but the treatment must be completed.
You should always treat vaginal thrush with antifungal medication. If left untreated, vaginal thrush can become chronic, causing the unpleasant symptoms to drag on unnecessarily. In rare cases, you can also infect your partner if you do not receive treatment.
Do something good for your vaginal flora after a yeast infection. The natural acidic pH of the vagina and the protective vaginal flora prevent pathogens such as yeasts or bacteria from multiplying. Use a lactic acid treatment to regenerate the acidic pH of the vagina.
You should not treat vaginal thrush when you’re menstruating, as the active ingredient can be flushed out with the blood and the treatment may be not be effective. You should carry out the KadeFungin 3 three-day treatment after your period ends. Make sure you maintain good and gentle intimate hygiene during your period.
There is no scientific basis for treating vaginal thrush with home remedies or an anti-fungal diet. Quite the opposite: home remedies such as tea tree oil or vinegar can irritate the intimate area and worsen symptoms. Yoghurt-soaked tampons are also not recommended, as yoghurt contains not only beneficial lactic acid bacteria but also lactobacilli that are not typically found in the vagina.