The first and most common sign of vaginal thrush is an unpleasant itching in the intimate area.
Vaginal thrushSymptoms
The most common symptoms of vaginal thrush are itching or burning in the intimate area. The first sign of thrush is an unpleasant itching sensation. Find out more about the symptoms of vaginal thrush, which illnesses have similar symptoms and how you can treat the symptoms effectively.
What will be discussed
How do you get vaginal thrush?
In many cases, vaginal thrush develops without any external or visible changes to the vagina. Swelling and redness can occur due to inflammation. Severe scratching can also cause irritation, as the itching caused by vaginal thrush can be unbearable. A whitish coating may also form on the vaginal skin.
But rest assured, vaginal thrush is clearly a fungal infection, not a sexually transmitted infection. Although the symptoms are distressing, the infection is not life-threatening. The most effective course of action for vaginal thrush is a 3-day treatment.
Vaginal thrush symptoms: what’s typical?
Vaginal thrush symptoms manifest in various ways. The first and most common sign is an uncomfortable itching in the intimate area. You may also experience a burning sensation, sore vagina, or pain during sex or urination. An increase in odourless, crumbly discharge is also common.
Vaginal thrush is a lot more common during certain life phases, e.g. pregnancy or the menopause. The reason for this is that these life stages are characterised by extreme hormonal fluctuations. The fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone in particular can disrupt the sensitive balance of the vagina. If the vaginal flora is weakened, it has a lot more work to do to fight off bacteria or other pathogens.
Although the symptoms mentioned are typical of vaginal thrush, there may be other causes behind them. It is therefore advisable to discuss your symptoms with a doctor.
Itching and burning due to vaginal thrush
The yeast Candida albicans is usually the trigger of vaginal itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms. It thrives in a warm, moist environment like that found in the vagina, gut or throat, and usually lives there unnoticed. Friendly bacteria and a strong immune system keep it in check so that it remains harmless. However, illnesses, a weakened immune defence or incorrect intimate hygiene can reduce the active bacterial strains and disrupt the acidic pH of the vagina. This makes it easier for the yeast to grow, multiply more quickly and trigger inflammation. This in turn causes the vaginal skin to itch, indicating that its complex balance has been disturbed and that it is fighting against the ‘infestation’. The more the yeast multiplies, the more severe the symptoms can be.
Swelling and redness due to vaginal thrush
Swelling and redness of the vagina and vulva (external genital area) are also possible symptoms of vaginal thrush. Local soreness, redness or irritation are signs of an existing inflammation of the skin, which in turn can cause pain during sex or urination.
Vaginal discharge due to vaginal thrush
Another common vaginal thrush symptom is a change in vaginal discharge. Healthy discharge is usually whitish to clear in colour and odourless. Colour and consistency vary depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle or if you’ve got a vaginal infection. If you have a yeast infection, the amount of vaginal discharge can increase. Most people describe it as crumbly or curd-like in consistency, but odourless. If the discharge smells unpleasant or even fishy, this may indicate bacterial vaginosis.
Is it a symptom of vaginal thrush or something else?
Vaginal itching or burning may have many reasons. Vaginal thrush is one of them. Causes that trigger similar symptoms include:
It often occurs due to fluctuating hormones during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the menopause. However, it can also be the result of over-washing the intimate area.
This is a vaginal infection caused by bacteria, usually characterised by a fishy-smelling discharge. In comparison to bacterial vaginosis, the discharge from a vaginal thrush is odourless.
The signs of sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, herpes, trichomonads and gonorrhoea can resemble those of a fungal infection.
Inflammation of the bladder or urinary tract can cause a burning sensation when passing water.
Metabolic disorders such as diabetes can also increase your risk of developing a fungal infection or lead to vaginal dryness.
Allergies and eczema in the genital area can lead to severe itching or changes to the skin of the vagina.
Generally speaking: Only a doctor can diagnose your symptoms. It is therefore important to visit a gynaecological or urological practice if your symptoms persist.
Symptoms in men
It is also normal for the male genital area to contain yeast fungi as part of the natural skin flora, without causing any symptoms. However, if a yeast multiplies too much, it can lead to an infection, usually caused by Candida albicans.
Reddening of the foreskin and glans as well as itching, burning and pain during sexual intercourse can be symptoms of a yeast infection in men. In addition, fluid-filled blisters can form on the glans, or whitish to greyish deposits can form under the foreskin.
Although spreading the yeast through sex is possible in principle, it does not cause an infection if the genital flora is healthy.
If a man experiences symptoms of a yeast infection in the genital area, he should have it checked out by a doctor.
How long do vaginal thrush symptoms last?
Vaginal thrush treated with an antifungal agent usually lasts for about three days. Without treatment, the symptoms may last longer. The more a yeast spreads, the more likely it is that symptoms will occur.
How long do vaginal thrush symptoms last?
Vaginal thrush treated with an antifungal agent usually lasts for about three days. Without treatment, the symptoms may last longer. The more a yeast spreads, the more likely it is that symptoms will occur.
Vaginal thrush symptoms Understanding and effectively alleviating
The side effects and symptoms of a fungal infection in the genital area can range from inconspicuous to very severe. Vaginal itching, a burning sensation and an increase in crumbly vaginal discharge are especially common.
Antifungals provide rapid relief with safe and reliable antifungal agents such as clotrimazole. The three-day clotrimazole treatment with the KadeFungin 3 Combi-Pack (KadeFungin 3 Kombi-Packung) containing cream and tablets has proven particularly effective. The preparation is available over the counter.
Stay away from home remedies such as garlic, tea tree oil or yoghurt – studies show no effect. Quite the opposite: home remedies can actually irritate and worsen symptoms. Gentle intimate hygiene, a little caution during sex and a healthy lifestyle will also help to ensure that you are safe from vaginal yeast infections in the future.