KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment Restorative treatment for healthy a vaginal flora

KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) regenerates and stabilises the vaginal flora and lowers the pH to the ideal naturally acidic range. The lactic acid in the preparation is embedded in a moisturising gel and promotes the propagation of beneficial lactic acid bacteria. KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) is well tolerated, as lactic acid is naturally found in the vagina and is an integral part of the vaginal flora.
KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) is easily available over-the-counter. You can buy lactic acid treatment from your local pharmacy or from an online pharmacy without needing to see a doctor first.
The pH indicates how acidic or alkaline an aqueous liquid is. If the pH is not in the optimum range, the vaginal flora is no longer in balance and is more susceptible to infection.
Why is a lactic acid treatment used?
- For bacterial vaginosis:
To accelerate healing by quickly restoring the ideal acidic pH value. The treatment alleviates bothersome symptoms such as unpleasant odour and increased discharge. - To prevent recurring bacterial vaginosis:
Short-term use has proven effective in counteracting the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis: Apply a KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) applicator two to three days after menstruating. - For recurring urinary tract infections:
It can also help to strengthen natural vaginal flora protection in people who suffer from frequent bladder infections. KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) stabilises the healthy, acidic pH in the vagina, keeps the vaginal flora in balance and thus reduces the risk of pathogens being transferred from the intestine into the urethra via the vagina. - For increased pH during pregnancy
The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy have a direct effect on vaginal environment. A lactic acid treatment can regulate the fluctuating pH value of the vagina. The rounded, flexible disposable applicators of the KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) are ideal for use during pregnancy.
How often should the lactic acid treatment be used?
- For bacterial vaginosis:
The 7-day treatment to restore the acidic pH of the vagina and build up the vaginal flora alleviates accompanying symptoms such as increased discharge and unpleasant odour. - During pregnancy:
The 7-day treatment for elevated pH values and corresponding medical advice
Use 1 applicator 2–3 days per month to maintain the natural acidic environment of the vaginal flora - Maintaining natural balance:
One applicator for 2–3 days after menstruation. If you are prone to bacterial vaginosis or recurrent urinary tract infections
Use KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment
- KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) should be used for 7 consecutive days. It only takes a few minutes once a day.
- Hygienic, individually packaged disposable applicators make it easier to insert the gel into the vagina.
- To prevent the active ingredient from leaking out, the applicator should always be inserted into the vagina in the evening before going to bed.
- This is best done sitting or lying on your back with your legs slightly raised.

KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) contains lactic acid in a gel formulation and corresponds to the natural vaginal pH value of 4. The lactic acid acidifies the environment of the vagina and restores its naturally protective acidic pH. This allows the body’s own lactic acid bacteria to find more favourable conditions for propagation and to resume their function fully.
The use of a lactic acid treatment is recommended to maintain the natural environment of the vagina. In the healthy vaginal flora, lactic acid bacteria ensure an acidic vaginal environment by producing lactic acid. The pH value of the vagina is around 4. This protects the vagina and lower urinary tract from penetration and colonisation by unwanted germs, which have difficulty spreading in an acidic environment. For various reasons, the naturally acidic pH can shift to either the weakly acidic or slightly alkaline range. For example, a change in hormonal balance during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the menopause, as well as antibiotic treatment or a vaginal infection can affect the healthy balance of the vaginal flora.
KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) treats discharge and intimate odour caused by bacterial vaginosis*, reduces the risk of recurrent urinary tract infections and normalises the pH value of the vagina (even during pregnancy).
*In cases of bacterial vaginosis as a supplement to antibiotics (supportive treatment) or for mild symptoms as a single treatment (alternative treatment to antibiotics)
As a rule, one application of Kadeflora lactic acid treatment on 7 consecutive days, preferably in the evening, is sufficient.
If you are prone to recurrent vaginal infections, it is advisable to repeat the use of the lactic acid treatment 2 to 3 days a month, preferably after menstruation, to maintain the natural environment of the vagina. KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) can be used regularly as a restorative treatment.
If you’re taking oral antibiotics over a short period of 1 to 3 days, e.g. to treat bacterial vaginosis, you can start using KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) after finishing the course of antibiotics. If you have to take antibiotics over a longer period of time, it makes sense to start using the lactic acid treatment while you’re taking oral antibiotics. In this case, start using KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) in the middle of your course of antibiotics.
If you are taking antibiotics in pessary form, start the lactic acid treatment after you have finished your course of antibiotics.
KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) should not be used during menstruation. The gel is flushed out with menstrual blood, rendering it ineffective.
Yes, KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur)can be used during pregnancy. The special applicator with soft, flexible tip is also suitable for use during pregnancy.
Due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy, the healthy balance of the vaginal flora can be disturbed by the shift in the naturally acidic pH. The use of a lactic acid treatment is generally recommended to maintain the natural environment of the vagina.
However, the use of medical devices and medicinal products during pregnancy should be discussed with a gynaecologist. Consult your doctor about your symptoms and possible treatment options.
We do not recommend using KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) after going through the menopause. During the menopause, the ovaries gradually stop producing hormones, resulting in a lower level of oestrogen. If you are not using hormone replacement therapy, either orally or topically, the oestrogen deficiency will lead to a reduction in the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal flora. Oestrogen promotes the formation of glycogen in the cells of the vaginal wall. Glycogen is converted into lactic acid by the lactobacilli, which results in the acidic pH present in the vagina. Oestrogen deficiency and thus a lack of glycogen causes the number of lactobacilli to decrease. This favours the colonisation and multiplication of pathogenic germs, which can lead to recurring vaginal and urinary tract infections. In order to achieve a stable acidic pH to prevent re-infection, the lactic acid treatment should be applied more or less daily. Unfortunately, no clinical data is available on this topic.
Generally, it is possible to have sexual intercourse while using KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) However, it is advisable not to use the lactic acid treatment immediately before sexual intercourse. It is advisable to use it after sexual intercourse if necessary.
Yes, KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) affects the safety of condoms. It reduces the tear resistance of latex condoms. Condom safety tests were carried out with latex condoms. There are no studies on condoms made of a different material, but it can also be assumed that their safety would also be impaired.
You can safely use condoms again 48 hours after the last application of KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur).
It does not contain any ingredients of animal origin. However, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that animal components, such as whey, have been used during the industrial production of each individual ingredient (e.g. during fermentation production).
No, KadeFlora Lactic Acid Treatment (KadeFlora Milchsäurekur) does not need to be stored in the fridge. The lactic acid treatment can be stored at room temperature (20°C–25°C).