Improper intimate hygiene impairs the natural protective function of the vagina.
Intimate Care -tips for gentle intimate hygiene
Intimate hygiene is all about supporting the natural protective function of the vagina without impairing it.
Many women do not use appropriate intimate hygiene products and respond to intimate odour and discharge by excessive intimate hygiene. It’s important to note that perfumed soaps or vaginal douches and intimate deodorants often exacerbate uncomfortable symptoms.
Here are 10 tips on what you need to consider when it comes to intimate hygiene.
What will be discussed
Intimate hygiene: less is more
More doesn’t necessarily mean better. When it comes to washing your delicate intimate area, less is more. The female body is designed so that the vagina cleans itself naturally. The acidic pH value of the vagina provides natural protection against bacteria and germs. Using perfumed shower gels or soaps can upset its sensitive balance. This can lead to vaginal itching, cottage-cheese-like discharge and intimate odour, and can also lead to an infection.
Washing the vulva with lukewarm water every day is sufficient. However, if this is not enough to make you feel fresh and clean, you should use intimate hygiene products that are adapted to the acidic pH value of the vagina (e.g. KadeFemin intimate wash lotion).
Want to learn more about vaginal flora? Find out what role vaginal flora plays in your intimate health.
Fresh air is essential for good intimate hygiene
The skin likes fresh air, and so does your vagina and vulva. Underwear made from skin-friendly materials is a great everyday choice to support your intimate health. But that doesn’t mean that you have to go without sexy lingerie, synthetic underwear or your favourite silk thong.
Underwear should be washed at a minimum of 60°C to ensure bacteria and fungi cannot survive. Alternatively, you can also use a sanitiser which works at lower temperatures.
Clothing is also an important factor when it comes to vaginal mycosis. Read more about the factors that can cause vaginal mycosis .
Do you suffer from any symptoms of vaginal yeast infection? Do the self-test now. The test gives you an indication of whether you have vaginal yeast infection. Seek additional medical advice if symptoms persist.
Intimate care post-shaving
Especially after shaving, it is important to use a gentle and nourishing intimate care product. Shaving puts the skin under a lot of stress and causes irritation. Follow these simple tips and use the right products to make dry, irritated skin post-shave a thing of the past.
Intimate care for a very specific area
Those who suffer from dry or itchy skin often feel they need additional products after daily cleansing. Special intimate care creams that moisturise, soothe the skin, relieve itching and are non-greasy can help.
They are the best way to protect the sensitive skin in the intimate area from drying out, infections and unpleasant feelings of tightness, for an overall feeling of well-being.
Intimate care during your monthly period
Period pain, mood swings and skin blemishes: during your period, your well-being can quickly fall by the wayside. But this doesn’t mean you need to adopt an excessive intimate hygiene routine during your period. In order to feel fresh and clean during your period, you can wash your intimate area twice a day with a special intimate wash.
Tip: After showering and drying, don’t get dressed right away and enjoy the airy feeling!
Intimate hygiene after sexual intercourse
After sex, you may not feel like thinking about intimate hygiene. You’d rather snuggle up with your partner and fall asleep together. But there are several vaginal care rituals that are important to protect the body from infections or cystitis.
Going to the toilet after sex can flush out bacteria from the vagina that have entered the area around the urethra during sex. Intimate wash lotions are also a good choice to feel fresh after sex.
Intimate hygiene and intimate care during pregnancy
Especially during pregnancy, care should be taken to maintain a stable balance in the intimate area and to ensure proper intimate hygiene to prevent infections. These can occur more quickly due to hormonal changes. During pregnancy, there is an increase in discharge, which is usually harmless. However, you should consult your doctor if the discharge smells unpleasant or is greyish in colour. An intimate wash lotion adapted to the acidic pH of the vagina supports the natural defences of the intimate area and the vaginal flora.
Intimate care postpartum
Many women experience vaginal dryness during breastfeeding. This is again due to hormonal changes, accompanied by itching, burning and a feeling of tightness. Moisturising the skin with an intimate wash lotion containing hyaluronic acid can help, along with regularly apply a soothing, moisturising and anti-itching intimate care cream.
Strength in calmness
An unhealthy lifestyle, work stress or problems at home affect not only the body and mind but also the vaginal flora. This literally throws it off balance. Regular relaxation sessions are not only good for the soul, but also promote intimate health. It also helps to push yourself to do something good for your whole body, such as sports and a healthy, balanced diet.
It’s all about the right approach!
Simple, but true: The correct wiping technique (front to back) can also prevent germs from entering the vagina when using the toilet. Wash cloths and sponges are often breeding grounds for bacteria. They should therefore be washed at 60°C after each use or only used in exceptional cases.